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Texas’ Leading Roof Inspection Service

Most homeowners don’t think about their roofs until there’s an issue. Our roof inspection services can help detect minor issues before they become significant and costly. The team at Structured Roofing Systems in Dallas – Fort Worth, TX, is dedicated to offering unrivaled same-day roof inspection services that are 100% complimentary. One of our team members will provide you with a thorough roof and property assessment and document any problems identified with extensive photographs. This lets you know exactly what is going on with your roof, and you’ll get our professional recommendations on what needs to be addressed. To schedule your roof inspection, contact one of our knowledgeable representatives.

Roof Inspection Service

What’s Included with Our Roof Inspection Services?

It’s recommended that you have a roof inspection approximately two times a year because several issues can occur to your roof from simply being out in the elements. Our roof inspection services include surveying your entire roof and property as a preventative measure. During the inspection, our roof inspectors look for all possible issues, concerns, or damage that can cause a wide variety of issues, such as ventilation, leaks, biological growth, and even structural damage. Here’s what’s included in our roof inspection services:

  • Complete Roof Inspection
  • Gutters and Downspouts
  • Fascia, Soffits, and Siding
  • Painted and Stained Surfaces
  • Personal Property
  • Comprehensive Photo Documentation of All Damages

Reasons to Contact our Roof Inspectors

Your home is constantly exposed to temperature changes, rain, wind, sunlight, snow, etc. These exposures, as well as everyday wear and tear, can lead to the weakening of your roofing materials. Depending on the material used, it could lead to the wood turning brittle, metal rusting, and asphalt shingles becoming loose, broken, or curling. These issues can lead to water getting in and leaking into your attic, causing biological growth to develop. To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, take advantage of our complimentary residential roof inspections. Here are some additional reasons to call our roof inspectors:

  • Lower Energy Bills – Your roof is vital to keeping your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Having a safe and efficient roof can help lower your energy bill.
  • Prevent Leaks – Our roof inspectors have the training to identify any potential leaks as they start. This can help you avoid costly repairs and health concerns by preventing biological growth.
  • Avoid Water Damage – Water damage can lead to severe repairs and even damage to your home’s foundation. When we perform a roof inspection, we check to see if your roof and gutter work together to keep your home safe.
  • Ability to Predict When You Need a New Roof – After completing an inspection, our roof inspectors will provide you with a full breakdown of the damages and our recommended repairs. We’ll let you know when it’s getting close to the point when you’ll need a new roof.
  • Extend Your Roofs Lifespan – Scheduling routine roof inspections will allow you to maximize the lifespan of your roof by addressing any issues before they spread and become more significant.
  • Locate Issues Early – Regular roof inspections can proactively find issues before they worsen, leading to few repairs.

Your Locally Trusted Roof Inspectors

Minor issues can progress until they threaten your roof’s structural integrity and the safety of your home. Our roof inspection service is offered at no cost, so there’s no reason to let this happen to your home. When you schedule a visit from our roof inspectors, you’ll receive a detailed assessment, complete with photographs, of any potential issues we discovered. Should any issues be discovered, we can help you file a claim with your insurance company to ensure your roof and home gets the service necessary. If you want to understand your roof’s condition better, don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of highly trained roof inspectors is standing by to help.