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Trust Drainage Corrections from Structured Foundation Repairs

Dealing with foundation issues or drainage problems can be stressful. Time is of the essence to prevent further damage, and it is not always easy to know who to call. At Structured Foundation Repairs, we understand. That is why we make the satisfaction of our customers our ultimate goal. Since 2003, our company has specialized in honest, up-front repairs of slab, pier and beam foundations. We have always worked hard to live up to our company motto and “do the right thing” for our commercial and residential clients. By following this path, we have earned a sterling reputation in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for the highest service levels and comprehensive repairs. Today, we are a trusted industry name, earning distinctions, and awards for our service year after year. We invite you to take some time to review some of the most important questions our customers ask about our work and learn why working with us is a substantial investment for the future.

What is Drainage Correction?

It is essential to keep water away from your foundation. No matter what type of foundation you have, if moisture seeps through the ground, it can cause costly, time-consuming repairs down the road. That is why drainage corrections from reputable contractors are so necessary. Drainage corrections not only professionally direct excess water away from your property’s foundation.

What Problems Can I Face without Drainage Correction?

Home and business owners face a host of issues without proper drainage correction, including:

  • Biological Growth: With excess water comes biological growth. biological growth spores already exist in the millions inside almost any interior. Standing water can quicken the germination process and make your property uninhabitable.
  • Heaving: Water collected around your foundation can swell certain areas and lift the side of your structure, making it uneven. This movement is called heaving. The sagging floor repairs are costly under the best of circumstances and catastrophic to your property if left unchecked.
  • Structural Damage: Without proper drainage, Water can cause your foundation to repeatedly heave and settle increasing cosmetic and structural damage.
What Types of Drainage Corrections are Available?

Our company offers drainage corrections systems that will effectively remove excess water for good and keep your property safe during even the harshest storms:

  • Surface Drainage System: A surface drainage system typically includes 9 inch by 9 inch or 12 by 12-inch area drains and 4 inch flexible PVC pipe. The system is used to collect water at ground level and channel it away from the home. If there is not enough natural grade to allow the water to gravity drain away, it may be necessary to install a sump pump system.
  • Why would I need a surface system: All homes require proper drainage. Homes that have poor drainage can heave. (i.e. if water ponds within 4 feet or so of the foundation after watering or rain) This heaving of the foundation causes stress to both the foundation and structure.
  • French Drain: A French drainage system is a trench covered with gravel or rock that redirects surface and/or groundwater away from an area. A French drain has a perforated hollow pipe along the bottom to capture water that seeps down through the upper gravel or rock. French drains are common drainage systems, primarily used to prevent groundwater from migrating under the foundation. Groundwater under a foundation can cause movement beyond seasonal norms. French drains are also used behind retaining walls to relieve hydrostatic pressure.
  • Why would I need a French drain: A French drain is most commonly used to collect and channel groundwater to keep it from going under the home. Groundwater that travels under a slab foundation can cause a foundation to go up and down repeatedly which can cause foundation problems.
What is the Drainage Correction Process?

From your initial property evaluation to our final follow-up, Structural Foundation Repairs is with you every step of the way. Our talented drainage correction experts use the most advanced technology to conduct elevation surveys and recommend only the solutions we believe are necessary to protect your home or business and drain excess water for good. We follow a proven multi-step method to give the best results in the industry and true peace of mind:

  • Grading: During drainage correction, it may be necessary to alter or adjust your property’s grade to ensure water runs away from your structure.
  • Drain Installation: As mentioned before, our company has perfected our drain installation process for commercial and residential properties. Whether we recommend a surface drain or a French drain a combination of both will be installed.
  • Sump Pump Installation: When your property does not have a sufficient slope, we install a sump pump. This installation ensures the water moves away from your foundation.
When Should I Choose Surface Drains vs. French Drains?

Let the experts decide. We will provide a comprehensive evaluation, free of charge to determine which type of drain is best for your needs.

How Can Structure Foundation Repairs Improve My Home’s Drainage?

Our company maintains the highest levels of professionalism in everything we do. From our products and  outstanding customer service to our award-wining results, when you put your trust in Structured Foundation Repairs, you get the dynamic improvements you deserve:

  • Exceptional Drainage Products: When you work with us, quality comes standard. No matter which system you choose for your drainage needs, our company uses the best materials, personnel, and techniques to give you results that stand the test of time. Our French drain, surface drain, and combination drain installations provide the highest reliability levels, even during the worst storms. We know drainage systems are an investment in the future safety of your home or business, so we do things right the first time.
  • Outstanding Customer Service: We are here to help you. Our professionals answer all questions, provide essential expertise, and guide you from beginning to end. Our structural analysts have extensive experience evaluating foundations in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. They will go over every option with you to optimize your drainage system and help you make the right choices for your home or business. It is all part of our service promise to you.
  • Award-Winning Results: Our company has been the recipient of the Angie’s List Super Service Award each year since 2012. In late 2016, Texas Mutual recognized us for being one of Texas’ top 200 policyholders (out of 65,000) with the Texas Mutual Safety Trophy. In early 2020, we repaired our 23,000th home. We have proven that we offer real, beneficial results that are second-to-none in our industry.    
Is There Financing for Drainage Corrections?

Yes. Our company collaborates with reputable third-party financing groups to offer helpful financing options. Whether you need a short-term solution with little to no interest or opt for a long-term option with manageable payments, we can make the financing options work for you (with approved credit). Talk to us, and we will walk you through the easy application process to get you the financing you need for your project.

Contact Structural Foundation Repairs Today

Do not let water issues stand in your way of a beautiful property you can enjoy. Call us today and talk to our professionals about all of our foundation repair and drainage correction options in Dallas-Fort Worth. Let us use our proven skills to be there for you.