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Drawing of a house map

Prevent Foundation Damage For New Home Construction

When building a new home, using the proper techniques is vital to avoiding future foundation problems. Certain measures must be implemented, including lot grading and comprehensive drainage. Consulting with a foundation repair specialist and structural engineers is a great way to ensure that any new home stands the test of time:

Grading the Lot

One of the most important aspects of any new construction is the grade of the lot. The ground should slope away from all sides of the home and promote natural drainage where possible. Areas, where water collects near the home, will only cause problems down the road. As a part of grading, landscaping can be planned to encourage natural drainage.

Installing Drainage Systems

One of the main issues that foundation repair companies address is drainage correction in existing homes. By including comprehensive drainage solutions in new construction, this can be avoided. Gutters and downspouts should keep water from running off the roof and accumulating near the home. If possible, runoff should be directed towards French drain systems that divert water away from a property.

Considering Soil

Even with the appropriate grading and drainage installed, one final aspect of the building site must be taken into account. The soil conditions should be evaluated thoroughly, and if necessary, a home’s foundation and basement should be built with reinforcing measures to resist soil movement, as expansive soils react dramatically to changes in moisture levels and can cause eventual settling or heaving.

Structured Foundation Repairs, Inc. employs third-party structural engineers for every foundation repair that we perform. We can help your new construction get off on the right foot or ensure that your existing foundation will last. Visit our website for more information about what we have to offer, or call us at 972-484-1200 to make an appointment today!